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Minor Medical Incident

Events of this type may be sufficiently minor that your customer will be able to handle the situation themselves. However should they ask for help, we suggest you do the following...

It is important that if the costs are likely to be under £500 that the Assistance Company is not contacted as this is not an emergency medical incident.

  1. Be sympathetic and sorry the customer can't participate in planned activities - as you would anyway.
  2. Complete a mini accident/sickness report form if your customer wants a record of having reported the incident and hand them a copy.
  3. Advise your customer they should pay all bills locally, keep receipts and file a claim in the normal way on his their return to UK. Claim forms are available on our website.
  4. If applicable refer to the Ski Pack section to establish the extent of cover in this respect.

Should the customer need to return home earlier or later than planned for medical reasons please refer to our Mid Level Medical Incident information.

You can view or download our Accident Report Form...

Click Here