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Loss of money

This section only deals with loss of physical money such as bank notes and coins. The loss of travel documents and the like are covered under the baggage section of the policy. If a customer reports a loss of money to you we suggest you do the following...
  • Advise your customer to report the loss to the Police and obtain a crime report number. There is a facility on the loss report form (see below) for you to describe the circumstances where this has not been done which will be taken in to account when adjusting the claim.
  • In the event of a loss in or from a hotel, the loss must be reported to a senior member of staff at the hotel and a report obtained.
  • Where there is evidence of break-in to a building this should be documented.
  • The customer may complete a claim form on their return to the UK.

Please be careful.

At this point the customer may wish to receive confirmation or try to obtain admission of liability that he will be paid.

Under no circumstances should this be given.

You can view or download our Loss of Money Report Form...

Click Here