Whether you are a Tour Operator or a Travel Agent, a Broker, a Club or an Association we are able to provide terms for your customers Travel and Ski Insurances.
If you fall under the Package Travel Directive, it is a condition that you provide or signpost travel insurance to all your customers.
There are a couple of ways to be able to do this:
1. Become an affiliate
Sign up to MPI as an affiliate and signpost your customers to an insurance suitable for the trips they go on. Commission is earned on all sales made through that introduction. Click here for more information on becoming an affiliate
2. Inclusive insurance
We are able to provide a bespoke travel insurance plan specifically for your customers on an inclusive basis meaning all your customers will be insured under the one policy held your firm. The insurance will be included in the trip and premium paid by your company which thus becomes a ‘corporate’ insurance which has the attraction of a lower tax rate, limited regulation and simplified administration. There is the added advantage of your Reps in resort have just one contact for all customers.
In certain circumstances we may be in a position to offer an Appointed Representative status where you sell the insurance.